Hey y'all! I hope y'all had a great week!
This week was interesting none the less.. Haha if I was to title it..
It would most likely be Creepy Men Week. The warmer the weather gets
the creepier the men get too. Haha this week my Comp and I lied about
being married so many times. But honestly what makes a person think
they can be so bold and straight up creepy I will never know. All is
well that ends well.
Back about the work. This week we had zone conference.... My. Very.
Last. One. So so so sad! I had to give my "dying" testimony... Man it
was hard. As I contemplated and tried to put in words how I felt about
my mission it was so hard! I love my mission so so much, it has
definitely been the hardest thing I have ever done. Hands down. But I
have never been happier. Seeing the gospel change people's lives
changes me.
Like our sweet sweet investigator that is getting baptized this
Saturday. She inspires me so much. She recently came here from her
country and was having a hard time adjusting to the American culture.
Her cousin in California (who is a member) told her about the church
and she agreed to listen to missionaries. I have seen this gospel
change her completely, just a month ago she was filled with fear and
felt so lonely. She has been filled with a new confidence and so much
faith. In her job she kept asking for Sunday's off so she could attend
all three hours of church instead of having to leave after sacrament
meeting. She asked and asked but he refused to give Sunday's to her.
She talked to us about her concern, we taught her about fasting and
the power it has. We invited her to do a 24 hour fast to ask Heavenly
Father for help. We promised we would do it with her. Well last week
we all fasted together and this week she decided to QUIT HER JOB!!! We
she told me my eyes filled with tears. I have never met an
investigator with so much faith. I love her so much. She inspires me
to be better, she searches the scriptures, she says sincere prayers
and her testimony is so strong. Man I feel so blessed to know her.
This week we also had a Ward activity put on by la obra
misional...(honestly I cannot figure out how to say that correctly in
English.... But what it is is the full time missionaries and the Ward
mission leader:) we did activities and games and learned about how the
Holy Ghost works.. It was one of the funnest activities I've ever had
on the mission:) super fun:) I should have taken some pics:)
Haha a dumb moment of my week.. So we were at the park with a recent
convert... And I decided to try and be cool (lame I know;) and do this
pull up thing and then grab a bar above my head with one arm while
holding the pull up... Well the first one went great, so I got all
kinds of confidence and went to do it again and totally messed up my
shoulder... So that's the worst.. Haha it's been hurting all week...
Well love you all so much! Thank you for everything. Hope you have a
great week.
Sandra! :)
Comp and I out jumping in puddles welcoming in Texas rain season:)
We found this poor kitty that had manges disease... And it pulled on
our heart stings so we ran to Walmart and bought it its last meal.
Video: we got a new life... (;
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