Monday, January 5, 2015

Newsletter Week 11

Hey guys! 

So this week was pretty great:)
I went on exchanges with Sister Willard and Sister Faga this week! And they are just the most awesome people ever! We taught the Word of Wisdom to Roland and he took it so well!! He said it was awesome that God has given us these laws and committed to stop drinking!! He is so cool!! He was like excited to receive this revelation from God! :) He is so ready for this Gospel.

I hope you all had such a great new years!! I was talking to Sister Willard and she was sharing with me how on Christmas everyones thoughts are turned to Christ, and then at New Years we set new goals, and how it is interesting how before we set goals we should strive to be more like Christ and turn our thoughts to him. So I hope we can all set great goals with Christ in mind. :)

So Friday I had my first Zone Meeting.. I was pretty great! We learned about Matthew 14:14-31 and how we can apply this scripture to ourselves. It is the story about Peter walking on water, you should all go read it.. but anyways. It was explained that the boat that Peter is in is our comfort zone, and the way to get closer to Christ sometimes is to leave our comfort zone and walk on water. Because Peter wanted to walk on the water to get closer to Christ. And he took the big important step of faith to walk on the water, but then it said he noticed the strong winds and got scared and started to sink, and this is compared to us loosing our focus on Christ and focusing on the fears of the world. Maybe we are afraid to go to church, because we haven't gone in a long time and are afraid people will judge us, but that isn't focusing on Christ, we just as Peter are focusing on the things that scare us, instead of the main goal, there are tons of examples and ways to apply this to ourselves, so what are you afraid of? What is keeping you away from getting closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. This are the things, like Peter that are making us sink. But then the story goes on with Peter asking for the Lords help, and the Lord immediately stretched forth his hand and helped him, the Lord will do the same for us, we just have to ask him for help.

And then the last part I thought was super cool was Peter walked to Jesus on the water from the boat, and he had difficulties and sunk in the water. But then him and Christ walked back to the boat without any sinking. Once we have Christ, we can do those hard things.

Well that was the cool story of the week.. haha I am loving my mission and learning so many cool thing!! I hope you are all having a great week and love you guys!

Love, Hermana Parslow

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